Profile PictureJakkeryy

Regulus Hair Pack!

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Regulus Hair Pack!


This is a pack of hair styles designed for the Regulus VRChat avatar! It comes with five hairstyles, preset materials, substance files for each, and an alpha map to hide the regulus's default hair if you wish to use it.

How to use:

  1. Create a Unity project with the vrchat SDK imported and the Regulus or another avatar of your choosing also imported
  2. If you want to use the preset materials, import poiyomi 8.0
  3. Import the hair unity package and find the "Prefabs" folder under the "Hair" folder
  4. Choose a prefab, move it into the hierarchy tab, unpack the prefab (not completely) and attach the hair to your avatar's "Head" bone
  5. Enjoy!

Thanks for your support! Please don't share or distribute these assets <3

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The Unity Package and a zipped folder containing substance files for each hair!

FIVE awesome new hairstyles to try out!
Polys: 1266
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